University of Illinois, Chicago
Oralidad Modernidad
His main current research interests on the linguistic conjecture marking in Ecuadorian Andean Spanish monolinguals and Kichwa-Spanish bilinguals in Ecuador, as well as conjecture in the US context with Spanish L2 and Spanish heritage speakers. He is also currently working on the resolution of anaphoric structures by Spanish heritage speakers in the US and the role of prosody. He has taught L2 Spanish and Heritage Spanish courses. His general research interests are bilingual grammars, heritage speakers, language contact, Spanish in contact with indigenous languages, L1 dialects phonological inventories and L2 acquisition.
Documentation of ‘haiga’ in the Spanish of Loja
I explore the nature of Ecuadorian Andean Spanish conjectural markers in Spanish monolinguals and Kichwa-Spanish bilinguals and argue that the epistemic nature of conjecture has converged through the subjunctive form haiga/haya with the evidential feature counterparts in Kichwa (Sanchez, 2003). Furthermore, I examine the extent to which haiga, haya, and habrá convey conjecture with epistemic modality (the reliability of the source of information), and evidentiality value from Kichwa in the sense that certain evidence can (dis)allow the conjecture. For this, three experimental tasks involving a screening task, an acceptability judgment task, and production task were administered to 15 Spanish monolingual and 15 Spanish-Kichwa bilinguals. I measured the level of lexical access in both Spanish and Kichwa, with an adapted version of the Multilingual Naming Test (MiNT) for Kichwa, and a Bilingual Language Profile (BLP). The expected results are that evidence will play an important role to conjecture. The bilingual group will rely on the evidence to conjecture while the monolingual group conjecture will lean towards epistemic modality as their main source
The language of ‘access’ to COVID-information in Quechua and Shipibo communities in Peru; and Kichwa in Ecuador
When the pandemic news and the related information became widely available via domestic and international structures in the years 20-21, most of this information was delivered in socially dominant languages, using avenues and norms consonant with the dominant language structures. This has had direct consequences for the indigenous communities, who have received limited information about the pandemic in their own language (Garcia et al. 2020; Paludneviciene et al 2021, i.a.), and the method of delivery has not matched their culturally-accepted practices regarding health (Piller et al. 2020).This has had direct consequences on the health profile of the already minoritized communities. We examine how information about COVID-19 was received by speakers of Quechua, Shipibo-Konibo, and Iskonawa (Peru), Kichwa (Ecuador), Anishinaabemowin (Canada), and Spanish (Puerto Rico), using a 62-item novel crisis-readiness survey co-created with indigenous speakers. The questionnaire included questions about the participants’ age, language history and patterns of language use. It also included questions about their knowledge of the virus, risks, symptoms, and prevention of the disease.