Arnoux, Elvira

    Universidad de Buenos Aires 


    She is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Buenos Aires. At the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, she teaches Interdisciplinary Linguistics and Sociology of Language and directs the Master’s program in Discourse Analysis. She is responsible for the Argentine headquarters of the UNESCO Chair on Reading and Writing, a Latin American network in the field. Additionally, she is the director of the Interdisciplinary Project of the Secretary of Science and Technology (UBA) “The Right to the Word: Glotopolitical Perspectives on Inequalities/Differences.” She has delivered numerous lectures and seminars on Glotopolitics, Discourse Analysis, and Pedagogy of Writing at Argentine and foreign universities.



    Endangered languages and varieties in scientific contexts


    In this presentation, initially, we will address the issue of the status of “endangered” languages in scientific contexts from a theoretical perspective. Secondly, we will refer to the responses given to the concern about the development of global languages of science that facilitate the circulation of knowledge. Then, we will focus on the different spaces where scientific work unfolds socially, from laboratories to higher education, and in connection with the latter, what can be understood as internationalization from a position that questions neoliberal logic. We will emphasize the importance of language as a semiotic tool of thought, particularly in the production of social sciences and humanities. Finally, based on some possibilities proposed by automatic translation, we will suggest new glotopolitical gestures regarding languages, taking into consideration the specificities of the involved scientific and political spaces.