Humberto Yamberla
    Yamberla, Humberto

    Asociación Jóvenes Kichwas, Imbabura  Ecuador


    Bachelor in Social Communication. He has been a member of the Association of Kichwa Youth of Imbabura since the year 2000, and currently, he serves as the president of the organization and director of Radio Ilumán 106.7 FM.



    Community radios: a successful linguistic revitalization alternative. The Radio Ilumán experiences


    Radio Ilumán 106.7 FM, is a Kichwa-Spanish community media outlet with coverage in the province of Imbabura. The type of work is related to community, social, educational and cultural. It is an alternative way of communication that makes the reality of the communities visible; where they can express themselves in their own language and from their daily experience, making use of the new information and communication technologies.