According to the latest national census in the U.S. (US Census, 2020), the Hispanic population has reached 62,1 million, which constitutes 19% of the overall population. However, the status of being the largest minority in that country since 2015 has not exempted it from prejudice against their language and cultural manifestations. In the context of higher education institutions, according to recent research (Malovrh & Moreno, 2023), negative and colonialist linguistic ideologies regarding Spanish from students, professors, and administrative staff have in modern language departments have been identified around the world. In order to analyze these phenomena within the framework of a more homogeneous population of participants, the data that will be shown in this paper come derive from a survey that was distributed to students and professors from the Spanish program at a state university in the southern U.S. The data correspond to 503 responses from undergraduate students and 24 professors. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of these data reveal the dominant linguistic ideologies about Spanish, its speakers, and its dialectal varieties that co-exist in the U.S. This paper will conclude by giving suggestions for the creation of decolonial curricula that would help to counteract negative ideologies present in Spanish as a second language and as a heritage language courses.