Christina Korak
    Korak, Christina

    Universität Graz  Austria


    She is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Graz, interpreter, and vice president of the Association of Austrian Researchers on Topics Related to Latin America. In the project “Towards a Cosmovision Turn: Challenging Basis Translation Theory,” Rafael Schögler and she examine the role of indigenous cosmovision in missionary translations and study programs for translation and interpretation in indigenous languages. Since 2012, when she conducted extensive fieldwork for her doctoral thesis on the importance of translation and interpretation in nine Waorani communities, she has promoted radio programs and awareness events on the issues in the territory.



    Translating the Waorani territory: Negotiating in-between cosmovissions


    In our presentation, we analyze the meaning that the Waorani give to their territory. Theoretically, we base on conceptualizations that think of translation as an immersive act in highly political negotiation processes, and in different ways of analyzing and acting upon the world. Thanks to qualitative interviews with young people, female leaders, and wise old people (Pikenani) in the communities of Orellana and Pastaza, we can examine their territory as a vital space and its care, this not only determines the future of the Waorani and the family groups in isolation (the Tagaeri Taromenani), but it is also essential in the fight against climate change. At the same time, we realize that the language Waoterero is rapidly disappearing, as well as cultural practices concerning life in the woods. Comparing the perceptions of the interviewees with some of the official postures we present, according to Alicia Cahuiya’s fight, how to communicate the meaning of territory for a migratory community and how it becomes a translation between world views.