Miguel Carlosama
    Carlosama, Miguel

    Kichwa Tukuypa  Ecuador


    Bachelor in Sustainable Development Management from the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana of Ecuador and member of the Revitalizers Network in the province of Imbabura.



    Experiences of contributions to influence public policy for linguistic revitalization


    In the province of Imbabura, and ordinance named “Ordinance for the transversalization of the plurinationality and interculturality approach in the province of Imbabura” was recently established. Such ordinance will be implemented with the support of the Provincial Parliament of Imbabura, which is a political space for the inhabitants of Imbabura, which includes twelve issues related to public policies. Within this framework, a committee of Indigenous Nationalities and Peoples was organized. The group, self-identified as the “Linguistic revitalizers” of Indigenous speakers in Imbabura are active members of this committee, and they are able to participate in decision-making processes, with “Voice and vote.”