Emmanuelle Sinardet
    Sinardet, Emmanuelle

    Université Paris Nanterre  Francia


    Professor of Latin American Civilization and Cultural Studies at the University of Paris-Nanterre. She is responsible for the Center for Ecuadorian Studies (CEE) within the CRIIA (Center for Iberian and Ibero-American Research – Romance Studies, EA 369), of which she is also the director. Her research focuses on national construction processes, cultural policies, indigenism, and neo-indigenism (19th-21st centuries). Currently, she is working on the Erasmus+ DiGiPhiLit project on the Philippines. Since 2015, she has been a member of the National Academy of History of Ecuador.



    Language, Variation, and Ethnicity on the Ecuadorian Coast: Montuvios and Cholos. A Challenge for Documentation